Often what sets apart a regular solar company from a reputed solar company dealing with solar products of all sorts is whether they have a dedicated and dexterous team for solar installation and commissioning. If you’re wondering what makes it so vital to the framework of a solar panel you’re setting up, or a solar pump, the successful harnessing of solar energy lies in the process of solar installation carried out by the right professionals who know the nitty-gritties of setting it up in all accorded ways.
We at SunShell also operate as your solar installation company, and we’ve a team of 35 devoted and committed professional individuals specifically for installation and commissioning. We do not believe in delegating the difficult part of the business to some offload company, hence ensuring you can rely on us all through the way. If you’re setting up a solar plant, you’d be amazed to know all projects with ongoing work have a capable site in charge overlooking remaining workers, and ensuring work progresses as per schedule.
As solar installers in India, we understand the need for experienced engineers who are well-suited for their jobs, and we only use skilled engineers to do the DG interlocking, which is a vital part of the process. Besides, all connectors, conduits and cable ties used are best quality components that reek of excellence and durability available at competitive market prices. LAP wielding ensures the earthing strips are connected well, and DC and AC cables used in the process of setting up solar panel connections are put through a conduit, thus ensuring safety as our top priority. What makes us a reputed and responsible solar panel installation company in India, is our insistence on safety while conducting the process of installation, not only for our employees but also for our long-term users. So, once we’ve the go ahead from you about going solar, we assign you to a specialized team that comes to you, and implements the project for you, ensuring no hassles and a smooth sailing.