An inverter is basically a box, which takes the energy from your solar panels and turns it into energy your house can actually use.

While solar panels will produce “direct current”, your home (and all the appliances within it) uses “alternate current”.

Your inverter can turn direct current energy (DC) into the alternate current energy (AC) that powers your home, making it a pretty important and nifty piece of tech.

Inverters are a crucial step in the solar energy cycle. Without one, you wouldn’t be able to use the energy from the sun to power your fridge, TV, or air conditioning.

How does it work:

An inverter contains within it something called a “transformer” – which, surprisingly, transforms one thing into another.

It takes the direct current from your solar panels and turns it into an alternating current that your home can use as power.

So what’s the difference between those two things? A direct current basically runs in a straight line, whereas an alternating current looks much more like a wave.

How does it work in an energy system?

1. Solar panels

Solar panels capture sunlight and convert it into DC (Direct Current).

2. Solar inverter

A solar inverter then converts DC into AC (Alternate Current) – which then powers your home in real-time.

3. Solar battery

If you install a solar battery, excess energy is stored here (rather than pushing out to the grid).

4. Digital meter

Your energy use and habits are easily tracked with a digital meter.

5. Power grid

Any excess energy that you generate is pushed out to the grid. This energy is measured and calculated (feed-in tariff) to credit your account. You can also (automatically) draw energy from the grid when you need it.

Can you use an inverter to feed energy to the grid?

An inverter is also crucial to the process of feeding energy back to the grid, because it produces the same kind of alternate current the grid uses.

As we’ve touched on, solar panels produce direct current and in its pure form isn’t suitable for the grid.

So, without the inverter you couldn’t feed energy back to the grid and qualify for feed-in tariff credit on your power bill

Our inverters

Designed to give you reliable, no fuss supply of alternating current.

Manufacturer’s warranty 5 years on both parts and labour
Weight 7.3kg
Max efficiency 96.3% to 97.5%
Max current output 15 Amps

Great configuration options and cutting edge hardware and software.

Manufacturer’s warranty 10 years on parts, 5 years on labour
Weight 7.5 kg to 26 kg
Max efficiency 96.5% to 98.3%
Max current output 7.5 Amps to 22.8 Amps

European-designed, crafted for ultimate efficiency and maximum pace of mind.

Manufacturer’s Warranty 10 years on parts, 5 years on labour
Weight 16kg to 43 kg
Max efficiency 97.8% to 98.1%
Max output current 4.8 Amps to 31.9 Amps